Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thrift-opedia has Moved!

Thrift-opedia has MOVED to

Let us know what you think of our new home!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Get into Gardening

To become self sufficient one must plant a garden. The easiest way to do this is to simply grab a shovel, a hoe, some seeds and a hose. Make some rows yourself, which is great exercise, and search the net for tips on growing and what to grow. You can greatly supplement your diet with items you grow yourself even if you have just a small parcel of land to work with. If you have a large one you can grow all you need for yourself and your family (this is very time consuming however).

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Chicken and the Egg

Chickens. These are the ultimate in self sufficient farm animals. If you've ever thought of raising poultry or farm animals you can click here. Growing up my mom and dad kept 10 to 20 chickens in a coop on the back of our property. My dad would plant a row of corn to feed them and we kids would grind the corn using a hand grinder to make feed.

What did this do? Well, for the initial cost of investment we got all the free eggs we ever wanted. Add a rooster to the mix and you never have to buy another chicken. Problem with roosters is that you'll find out that cockle-doodle-doo thing is not just in cartoons! Yep, they do it at dawn too if you're a late sleeper.